Link-uri Link-uri
  1. White Paper The first Bluetooth-enabled RFID 13,56 MHz handheld Reader, bar_idblue.pdf http://www.baracoda.com
  2. White Paper  http://www.ti.com/rfid/docs
  3. White Paper http://www.championchip.com/
  4. White Paper http://www.bibliotheca-rfid.com/
  5. White Paper  Is 13.56 MHz RFID technology equally or more effective than 125 KHz for livestock identification and tracking? http://www.avantetech.com
  6. White Paper Sentinel-Sense MPR-1230/1231 (13.56MHz), http://www.awid.com
  7. Marisa Torrieri – FDA-approved RFID technology eases E.R. visits, reduces wrong-site surgery.
  8. Finkenzeller, Klaus, RFID Handbook – Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification, ISBN: 0470844027, 2003
  9. Friedrich, Ulrich and Annala, Anu-Leena, Palomar — a European answer for passive UHF RFID applications, RFID Innovations 2001 conference, http://vicarage-publications.co.uk
  10. Jurisch, Reinhard (1998) Transponder mit integrierter Sensorik, Elektronik ,
  11. TEMIC (1977) Telefunken microelektronic GmbH, Remote Control and Identification Systems, Design Guide, D-Heilbronn, August
  12. Cehan Vlad, Bazele radioemitatoarelor, Ed. MatrixROM, Bucuresti, 1997
  13. Atmel Corporation (1994) RFID-ASIC Fact Sheet, March
  14. Atmel Corporation (1998) Asset Identification EEPROM, AT24RF08 , San Jose, CA,
  15. http://www.atmel.com
  16. http://www.ti.com
  17. http://www.alientechnology.com
  18. http://www.emmicroelectronic.com
  19. http://www.philips.com
  20. http://www.trolleyscan.com
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